Inflammation and repair - Chronic inflammation

6 important questions on Inflammation and repair - Chronic inflammation

What are the characteristics of chronic inflammation

  1. Infiltration with mononuclear cells, which include macrophages, lymphocytes, and plasma cells
  2. Tissue destruction, induced by the persistent offending agent or by the inflammatory cells
  3. Attempts at healing by connective tissue replacement of damaged tissue (fibrosis)

Macrophages are the dominant cells in most chronic inflammation. What is their function?

  1. secreting cytokines and growth factors that act on various cells
  2. destroying foreign invaders and tissues
  3. activating other cells, notably T lymphocytes

What stimuli result in the monocyte development to Classically activated macrophages (M1)? And what is the function of M1?

Microbial products, TLR-ligands, IFN-gamma (cytokine derived from T cell)
Function: produces ROS and NO and upregulation of lysosomal enzymes --> Phagocytosis, and killing
It also secretes IL-1, TNF, IL-12, IL-6, and chemokines which stimulate inflammation.
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What stimuli in the monocyte development of alternatively activated macrophages (M2)? What is the function of M2?

IL-4 and IL-13 (produced by T lymphocytes)
Function: tissue repair, They secrete growth factors that promote
angiogenesis, activate fibroblasts, and stimulate collagen synthesis

What is the role of lymphocytes in inflammation?

  1. TH1 cells produce the cytokine IFN-γ, which activates macrophages by the classical pathway.
  2. TH2 cells secrete IL-4, IL-5, and IL-13, which recruit and activate eosinophils and are responsible for the alternative pathway of macrophage activation.
  3. TH17 cells secrete IL-17 and other cytokines, which induce the secretion of chemokines responsible for recruiting neutrophils into the reaction

What is the function of Eosinophils in inflammation?

immune reactions mediated by IgE and in parasitic infections

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