Inflammation and repair - Acute inflammation

13 important questions on Inflammation and repair - Acute inflammation

Name the 3 major components of Acute inflammation

  1. Dilation of small vessels (leads to an increase in blood flow)
  2. Increased permeability of the vessel wall (plasma proteins and leukocytes are able to leave the circulation)
  3. emigration of the leukocytes from the microcirculation, their accumulation in the focus of injury, and their activation to eliminate the offending agent

What is the difference between exudate and transudate

exudate is protein-rich extravascular fluid, whereas transudate has  low protein content, little or no cellular material, and low specific gravity

Pus is a purulent exudate. What does it consist of?

It is an inflammatory exudate rich in leukocytes (mostly neutrophils), the debris of dead cells, and, in many cases, microbes
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What are the consequenses of the loss of fluid and increased vessel diameter in vasodilation?

It leads to slower blood flow, concentration of red cells in small vessels, and increased viscosity of the blood. This results in stasis of blood flow.

What cells elicit retraction of endothelial cells causing the opening of interendothelial spaces

histamine, bradykinin, leukotrienes, and other chemical mediators

What are other causes of vascular leakage?

Endothelial injury (burns), transcytosis (Increased transport of fluids and proteins)

Why are neutrophils and macrophages the most important leukocytes in typical inflammatory reactions?

They are capable of phagocytosis

What is the first step in Leukocyte Adhesion to Endothelium

Rolling, leukocytes are attracted by P-selectin and E-selectin and causes a weak interaction With the endothelium. This weak selection-mediated rolling slows down the leukocytes

Chemokines play an important role in the stable adhesion of the leukocytes. What is their function?

  1. The integrins on leukocytes undergo conformational changes, which result in a high-affinity state of the integrins
  2. Activation of endothelial cells causes an increased expression of ligands (ICAM-1) for integrins --> chemokines TNF and IL-1

Chemokines are chemoattractant cytokines that are secreted by many cells at sites of inflammation

What causes a firm adhesion of the leukocytes to the endothelium?

Integrin on the leukocytes bind to ligand (ICAM-1) on the endothelium

What causes leukocyte migration through the endothelium?

platelet endothelial cell adhesion molecule-1 (PECAM-1) mediates
the binding events needed for leukocytes to transmigrate through the endothelium.

Leukocyte activation is induced by recognition of microbes or mediators by several receptors. Name these recptors and what they recognise.

G-protein coupled receptor --> Chemokines, lipid mediators
Toll-like receptor --> microbes
Cytokine receptor --> cytokines
Phagocytic receptor

What is the process of Intracellular Destruction of Microbes and Debris?

This is done by ROS, NO and lysosomal enzymes

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