Blood vessels - Atherosclerosis

14 important questions on Blood vessels - Atherosclerosis

How can artherosclerotc plaques cause stenosis (=vernauwing)?

If the plaque enlarges, it can obsturct the vascular lumina, leading to stenosis

How can artherosclerotc plaques cause thrombosis or occlusion?

The plaques are prone to rupture, and such event may result in thromisis or occlusion

Name the pathogenic events that result in atheroclerosis according to the model in the book

  1. Chronic endothelial injury, EC injury
  2. endothelial dysfunction (increased permeability), monocyte and platelet adhesion
  3. monocyte and SMC migration into the intima, macrophage activation and accumulation of lipids in the vessle wall
  4. macrophage and SMC uptake of lipids, lipid accumulation in the cells which respond by releasing inflammatory cytokines
  5. SMC proliferation, ECM elaboration, collagen desposition
  6. plaque is formed
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What is the contribution of inflammation to arterosclertic plaques?

It contributes to the initiaton, progression and complications of aterosclerosis

Monocytes differentiate into macorphages and engulf lipids. What kind of lipid?

Lipoproteins, including oxidized LDL and small cholesterol crystals

What cells are responsible for inflammation?

  • Cholesterol crystals
    • activates inflammasome
    • release IL-5
  • T lymphocytes
    • inflammatory cytokines (IFN-gamma)

One of the consequenses of inflammation is release of growth factors by activated of leukocytes and vessle wall. What does the growth factors promote?

SMC proliferation and matrix synthesis

Name a few growth factors that promotes proliferation of SMC and matrix synthesis

Platelet-derived growth factor, fibroblast growthfactor and TGF-alpha

What can induce trombus formation in regard to arterosclorectic plaques?

Rupture, ulceration or erosin of the luminal surface of the plaque

Plaque erosin and rupture triggers thrombosis. What can this lead to?

Partial or complete vascular obstruction and often tissue infarction

Atherosclerosis is characterized by atherosclerotic plaques. Name the two types

  1. Stable plaque --> Thick fibrous cap without inflammation
  2. unstable (or vulnerble) plaque --> Thin fibrous cap OR thick fibrous plaque with inflammation in the cap OR large numbers of foam cells in the core and abundent extracellular lipid

A stable plaque can turn into an unstable plaque when inflammation in the cap occurs

What affects the cap integrity (its mechanical strenght and stability)?

The balance of collagen synthesis and degradation

Which cells synthesize collagen?

Loss of these cells result in cap weakening

How does plaque inflammation destabilizes the mechanical integrity of the cap?

It causes increased collagen degradation and reduced collagen synthesis

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