Disease of the immune system - Autoimmune diseases

7 important questions on Disease of the immune system - Autoimmune diseases

What is the principal mechanism of central tolerance?

The antigen-induced deletion (death) of self-reactive T- and B-cells during their maturation in the lymphoid organs

Name the mechanism of Peripheral Tolerance

  1. Anergy. Functional inactivation (rather than death) of lymphocytes
  2. Suppression by regulatory T cells (Treg)
  3. Deletion by apoptosis.

Name genetic factor that contributes to the Pathogenesis of autoimmune diseases

  • Disease-associated MHC alleles
  • Fas, FasL, AIRE, CTLA-4
  • Other susceptibility-loci: some genes are known, some are still only speculative
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Name infectious factors that (can) contribute to pathogenesis of auto-immune diseases

  • Activation of co-stimulators
  • Molecular mimicry
  • Tissue destruction: release of selfantigens normally hidden.
  • Tissue damage → ‘epitope spreading’  

Wat is de pathogenesis achter SLE?

Combi van antibodies voor suspected genes en cellen die in apoptose zijn en afgebroken.

What factors lead to a failure of self-tolerance and the development of autoimmunity?

  1. inheritance of susceptibility genes that disrupt different tolerance pathways
  2. infections and tissue injury that exposes self-antigens and activates APCs and lymphocytes in the tissues.

Wat is de pathogenese achter systemic sclerosis?

Vergrote herstel respons
-> meer TGF-beta -> meer collageen en eiwitten in ECM -> fibrose in skin en andere organen

Antigen is waarschijnlijk centromeer proteins.

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