Ceasar, Augustus and the emperors

8 important questions on Ceasar, Augustus and the emperors

How did Julius become the most powerful Roman general?

By exploiting the disputes between Celtic clan leaders, he conquered most of the northwestern part of Europe. He became one of the wealthiest men in the Roman Empire. He let his soldiers profit too, which made them totally loyal to him. This made him politically also the strongest man.

Can you tell me the rise and fall of Julius Caesar?

  1. Ceasar won the civil wars between the generals
  2. Was made Dictator (later dictator for life)
  3. the Senate was afraid he would become too powerful
  4. 44 BC: Ceasar was murdered.

What happened after Cesar was murdered?

New civil wars
First between the murderers of Cesar and the followers of Cesar.
Later among the followers of Cesar themselves.
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Who won in the end after the murder of Cesar?

Cesars most loyal general (Marcus Aurelius) was defeated by Octavianus (the adopted son of Cesar)

Can you tell me how Octavian became Augustus (=first emperor)?

  1. Defeated all his enemies
  2. provinces provided free grain to keep citizens of Rome happy

So is it right to call the Roman Empire a republic under the government of Augustus?

Not really.
In name it was a republic, but only one man had all the power: Augustus. So it really was more of a monarchy

What happened after Augustus died?

Nobody wanted to return to the republic with its quarrels, famine and civil war.
So the Roman emperor state started with Augustus (around 20 BC)

What is an empire and when was Rome an empire?

An empire is a group of countries ruled by one government
Rome was an empire from 26 BC-476 AD

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