From splinter group to state religion

12 important questions on From splinter group to state religion

What form of religion did the Roman Empire have?

  1. Many gods (state gods) = POLYTHEISM
  2. family gods
  3. Emperor (pontifex maximus) worshipped as a god

There was religious tolerance, but you had to worship the state gods and the emperor

How did the Romans see Christianity and Judaïsm?

The thought it was strange to worship only one god
They saw Christianity as a threat.

How did the jews get in contact with the Romans?

From the first century BC, Palestine was governed by the Romans
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Where does Christianity originate form?

The story goes that there will come a messias, bringing a new era of peace and justice.
The Christians (=followers of Jesus Christ) believe that Jesus is this messias.
The Jewish high priest disagree with this.

Why did the Jewish high priest deliver Jesus to the Roman government?

They disagreed that he was the messias
They feared civil unrest, which the Roman government wouldn't accept

How did Christianity spread over the Roman Empire?

After the death of Jesus, several of his followers (the apostles) spread out all over the Greek-Roman world to tell the good message: If you believe in the one true God and follow his son on earth, Jesus Christ, you will live after death

Why did this message resonate with so many people?

The message is for everyone. Wether your rich or poor, master or slave, man or woman

Why is Jesus called Jesus Christ?

The greek word for messias is Christ

How and why did Christianity rise in the Roman Empire?

  1. The promise of a better life after death (lots of people were very poor and lived in difficult circumstances)
  2. Everybody was equal before God
  3. Strong community
  4. followers were very active in trying to covert others.

Why did the Romans start persecuting the Christians?

  1. Saw them as a threat: they refused to worship the emperor as a god
  2. A rumor was started that the big fire of Rome (64 BC) was started by people. Nero blamed the Christians
  3. Nero started persecution: crucified them, burnt them. They were thrown to the lions (martyrs)

Who stopped the persecution of Christians?

Constantine the Great (313 AD): He stopped persecution. Gave freedom of religion. Built churches. And became a Christian himself

Who introduced Christianity as a state religion?

Theodosius (392 AD) made Christianity a state religion. Other religions were forbidden

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