Civil Law and Administrative Law

9 important questions on Civil Law and Administrative Law

Where do most lawsuits fall under?

–Civillaw:wherethere is a legaldisputebetweentwocitizens. Administrativelaw: wherecitizens have a disputewith the government

What can everyone from the age of eighteen do?

•can bring a disputewithanothercitizenbeforean independent court.

How do we understand the term 'citizens'  in law/

Citizens are notjust persons of fleshandblood, but alsolegal persons, such as foundations and private companies
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What is the difference between public law and civil law?

•Criminallaw is about the verticalrelationshipbetweencitizensandgovernment.

•Civillaw is abouthirzontalrelationshipsbetweencitizens.
–Citizens start legalproceedings.
–The judgeplays a passiverolehere.

How does  civil case proceed?

•The case beginswhen the claimant serves a summons via the bailiff on the defendant.

•The actual case takes part. Youcanrepresentyourself. The defendantdoesn’t have toappear. A written statement suffices.

•The judgeweighs up the argumentsandexamines the evidencepresentedby the parties.

What happens when sentencing?

•The judgecanrulethateither the claimant or the defendant is in the right.

•Sentencing the losing party:
–Giving the claimantwhat he demands.
–Pay a penalty foreach time the defendantdoesn’tobligeby the rules.
–The losing party has topay the judicialcosts of the lawsuit.

What is an injunction proceeding?

•In Dutch: kort geding.

•In some cases, it is important to get a quick ruling.

•A fastandsimplified procedure that is heardbyan interim reliefjudge.

•Oftenusedto stop employees from striking.

Why do we havve administrative law?

•Legal protectionagainst the governmentalsoimpliesthatgovernmentbodiescannotimposeallsorts of financial burdens on citizens. Administrative law deals withthe vertical relationship between the citizen and the government.

In which four areas play administrative law an particular rule/

- issuing permits for , among other things, building construction, environmental projects, hunting, possession of weapons, hotel and catering projects etc.
- paying out beneffits and subsidies: welfare benefits, child beefits, care allowances, rent subsidies
- Dealing with applications for asylum and residence permits. Not have the residents of country right sbut also foerigners who apply for asylum or residence permits.
- The imposition and collection of taes, such as income tax, car tax and VAT by which each kind of tax is regulated ina separate law.

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