The principle of legality

11 important questions on The principle of legality

What does the principle of legality mean

•The principle of legality means that a person’sfreedomcanonlyberestricted of the reasonsforthatrestriction have been clearlystated in laws and regulationspassedbyparliament.

What are legal rules?

–Rules of behaviourdrawn up by the governmentandrecorded in laws.

What is moral awareness?

so that there are rules, which reflect the moral values we all share-what we ll agree is right or wrong.
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What are social rules?

–Socialrules are notusuallywritten down andtheyjudgebehaviour in terms of considerationforotherpeople of lack of it.

What are moral rules?

–Moralrules are oftengiven a lot more weightthansocialones. With moral rules, behaviour is judged in terms of good and bad

What do we feel when legal rules correspond with our moral rules?

–Iflegalrulescorrespondwithourmoral views, thatgivesus the feeling that the rules are justifiedand we willbe more likelyto keep them.

What does injustice lead to?


Which legal areas belong to Private Law?

The Law of Persons and Family law, which deal with such matters as marriage, divorce, birth, death and adoption.
Business Law, whcih regulates the conditions for, among other things, setting up a society, club or company
Property Law, which regulates everything to do with someone's asstets. e.g. when you sign a lease or employment contract

Which three branches fall under public law?

constitutional law
administrative law
criminal law

What is constitutional law?

regulates how the Netherlands is governed. This includes the constitution, the powers of ministers, the rights of the members of he Second Chambe,elections, etc.

What is administrative law?

regulates the administrative activities of the government. For instance, if you would like to buy a house or start a pub, then ou need a licence. also cntains all sorts of proisions that protect the citizen fro the government.

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