Limitations of the rule of law

7 important questions on Limitations of the rule of law

During which situations can the rule of law come under pressure?

–Whengroups of people want toabolishsomeparticularfundamentalrights.
–When the governmentandparliamentplubliclycomment on the judicial power.
–Whenthere are loud calls for more severe sentencing.
–When the ploiceand the courts make big mistakes.
–When the investigationpowers of policeand courts are extendedunder the pressure of developments in organisedcromeand the threat of terrorism.

Which fundamental rights in particular can be at odds with each other?

The right to equal treatment
The right to freaaly confess your religion  or philosophy of ife
The right to openly express thoughts and feelings

How does The constitution sets explicit limitsto the freedom of religionandfreedom of speech?

byadding the condition ‘without prejudiceto his responsibilityunder the law’.
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So what is meant with freedom of speech?

you can express your opinion but at the same time, you must keep within the law. That is hy libel adn slander are forbidden an you may not sow hate, purposely insult anyone, or incite people to violence.

What is a relatively new phenomenon in our society?

•Organised crime is a relatively new phenomenon in our society andinvestigatingitdemands more and more of the capacities of the police.

What does the Special Investigative Powers Act do?

It gives the polive covert search powers.

What is a further spin off from the extended powers of the police and judiiary?

the right to privacy. In order to prevent crime or to investigate it, police use more and more surbeillance technology, such as cameras, satellites and tapping devices.

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