Buying and selling in a complex world - Strategic sourcing

4 important questions on Buying and selling in a complex world - Strategic sourcing

What is strategic sourcing?

Focus on total cost of ownership  and optimizing the sourcing process through ongoin market analysis. Building good relationships with suppliers

What are the advantages of outsourcing?

- Reduce direct and indirect costs
- Reduce capital costs
- Reduce taxes
- Reduce logistics cost
- Spread foreign exchange risks,..

What are the advantages of offshoring?

- Lower staff costs
- Lower communication and IT costs
- Less stict rules
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What is category management?

Involves defining the need, identifying vendors and negotiating contracts. Part of the end-to-end procurement process.

Category managers have to manage portfolios of contractscategory of spend with similar characteristics that can be grouped and considered in strategic terms in relation to supplying across different business units.

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