Sales - Sales introduction

10 important questions on Sales - Sales introduction

Which factors influence the decision making process in B2C & B2B?

There is a growing gap between these 2 business models. B2B is more complicated and structured and requires more decision making than B2C which is made more on emotional decision making.

Why do customers leave a company?

- Lack of attention
- Lack of proactive initiative
- Supplier/ sales don't think along
- Supplier/ sales don't keep their promises
- Bad after sale service
- Lack of competence and expertise
- Lack of honesty
- Price too high (for the offered quality)

What are the key selling motives?

- Reliability: Is it a good product/service?

- Attention: Is there a good relationship between the one who sells and the one who buys?

- Comfort: Is it easy to deal with? Is it a solution to my problem?

- Price: Is the price in line with the market? Do I get what I pay for?

- Status: Image, design, reputation.

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What are the 8 stages of the decision making process?

- Recognition of need
- Developing product specification
- Search for information/supplier
- Evaluation of alternatives
- Select product/supplier
- Decision to buy/ determining terms of contract
- Fulfilment of contract
- Evaluation

Explain the recognition of need stage in the DMP:

Which benefits could help customers with a problem they are having, more interest in solutions than features of a product.

Explain the product specification stage in the DMP:

It may be a complex formal B2B process, can also be B2C for big purchases.

Explain the "search for information" stage of the DMP:

It depends on the previous purchase experience or if you want to buy a new product or re-buying one.

Seaching information on the internet, store, with the help of sales representatives, recommendation,..

Explain how companies evaluate alternatives in the DMP:

- Performance
- Availability
- Value for money
- Brand

How to select the product in the DMP?

- Shortlisting
- Request for tenders -> invitation send to suppliers to submit a bid to supply
- Prioritising choices

What is a decision making unit?

The DMU can be described as the body of all individuals participating in the DMP. We speak of the initiator, the user, the decider, the buyer, the gatekeeper and the influencer.

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