Mating systems

11 important questions on Mating systems

What are the 5 mating systems? explain them

1. monogamy: one male and one female
2. polyandry: one female with multiple males
3. polygyny: one male with multiple females
4. polygynandry: multiple mating partners for each sex with social associations
5. promiscuity: multiple mating partners for each sex, but both males and females are solitary

What are the 2 mating system factors?

-evolutionary: sexual conflict to the differential selection on males and females to maximize their fitness
-ecological: the wau in which resource limitation and distribution affect fitness benefits and costs for each sex

Why is monogamy rare in animals?

female lactation alone can provide all the food needed to raise offspring successfully
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What is the territorial cooperation hypothesis?

2 individuals can better defend a critical resource

What is the mate guarding hypothesis?

selection may favor males that guard females by remaining in close association with them over one or more reproductive cycles

What is the polygyny threshold model by females?

females should mate polygynously only when the benefits of doing so outweigh the cost of sharing recourses with other females

What is the hotspot hypothesis and what does it increases?

all males should aggregate where they are likely to encounter many females, this increases encounters with females

What do low ranking males do by the hotspot hypothesis?

low ranking males should be around high ranking males because female are more likely to visit attractive males

What mating systems is meant if individuals only mate with their social partner?

social mating system

What mating systems is meant if the actual number of sexual partners that contribute to a set of offspring?

genetic mating system

What is the genetic quality hypothesis?

females that engage in multi male matings can improve the fitness of their offspring via genetic mechanisms

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