Territoriality and Aggression

14 important questions on Territoriality and Aggression

What are 2 factors that explain the density of individuals in different habitat locations?

-amount of resources
-number of other individuals

What is the ideal free distribution model?

how animals distribute themselves among habitats

What are the 5 assumptions of the ideal free distribution model?

  1. individuals attempt to maximize their fitness when settling in a habitat
  2. habitat locations differ in the recourses they contain
  3. the fitness of individuals in an habitat decrease as more individuals settle because of increase competition for resources  -> fitness is negatively density dependent
  4. individuals have equal competitive ability and can accurately assess the fitness payoff of each habitat
  5. individuals are free to move between habitats at no cost
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What does the ideal free distribution model assumes?

competition for resources result in a decline in individual fitness  as the number of individuals in a habitat increases

What is conspecific attraction and what are the 2 functions?

  • allee effect: fitness increases as more individuals settle
  • conspecific cueing: assessing the quality of a new habitat by using another individual as an indicator -> used by new males

An area of repeated use, not defended to obtain is a? can it overlap?

home range, can overlap

What is the challenge hypotheses in relation to testosterone?

male-male interactions increase plasma testosterone and sustain aggressive behaviour

What is the winner effect?

for many animals winning an aggressive interaction often enhances the likelihood if winning an interaction

What is the winner-challenge effect?

winning a challenge increases plasma testosterone levels that enhance aggressive behaviour and thus the likelihood of winning interactions

Which theory is a cost-benefit approach and how is it used?

game theory, used to understand the evolution of behaviour when an individuals fitness is affected by how other individuals behave

What is a model of game theory and how is it used?

the hawk-dove model, used to examine the behaviour of 2 individuals engaged in a contest over a resource -> the winner obtains benefit B that enhances fitness, the loser receives no benefit

What are 2 strategies of the hawk-dove model?

  • hawk: fight until victory or injury
  • dove: never fight but uses low cost display

What is the evolutionary stable strategy?

a population will contain both hawks and doves

Which model is meant when males choose to display aggressively for any duration?

the war of attrition model

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