Mating Behaviour

9 important questions on Mating Behaviour

What are primary sexual characteristics?

morphological differences between male and female genitalia

What are secondary sexual characteristics?

differences between males and females in trait, not directly involved in reproduction

What is the difference between intrasexual and intersexual selection?

intra = mate competition (members of one sex compete with one another for mating opportunities), inter=mate choice (members of one sex exhibit distinct mating preferences
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What is the Bateman hypothesis in regards of males and females?

female reproductive succes is limited by the number and succes of eggs she can produce
male reproductive succes is limited by the number of mates he obtains

Robert Trives explained the concept of Parental investment theory, what is this?

the sex that pays the higher cost of parental investment should be choosier when it comes to mates.
when one sex has greater parental investment, these individuals will not always be sexually  receptive because they are caring for offspring

What is the sensory bias hypothesis?

females mating preferences are a by-product of pre-existing biases in a females sensory system

What are direct benefits?

food gifts

What are indirect benefits and how do females select males?

difference in genetic quality, based on secondary sexual traits. females can choose to mate with a high quality male to obtain those alleles for her offspring, she chooses on secondary sexual traits

What is Zahavi's handicap principle in relation with secondary sexual characteristics?

well developed secondary sexual characteristics are costly because they handicap a males survival

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