Methods for studying animal behavior

11 important questions on Methods for studying animal behavior

What are analytical models for studying animal behaviour?

all models about behaviour are based on assumptions about theology and evolution of an organism. analytical models allow scientists to easlity manipulate their assumptions to produce new predictions on behaviour

What is the observational method used for? is it used with wild animals?

used to test hypotheses and to describe behavioural patterns, also with wild animals

What is the experimental method and which variables are used?

scientists manipulate or change a variable to examine how it affects the behaviour of an animal.
-independent variable: changed variable
-dependent variable: occurs in respons to changes in the independent variable
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What is meant with abiotic by the independent variable?

abiotic: temperature, humidity, wind
biotic: habitat, food availability, social interactions

What is the comparative method?

scientists examine differences and similarities between species to understand the evolution of behaviours

What are derived traits and what is a different name for this?

apomorphic, is found in a more recently evolved species and was not present in the common ancestor

What are sister species and what do they share?

2 species that are more closely related to one another that to any other species, they share a recent common ancestor

What is a scientific misconduct and what does it includes?

inappropriate analysis of data and plagiarism, includes falsification or fabrication of data

How can a scientific misconduct be identified?

through peer-review or unsuccessful replicate

What is a peer-review?

a process to accept or reject a paper for publication

What is the difference between primary and secondary literature?

primary are papers from scientists before publication and secondary are the results of scientific research reported in newspapers/magazines/books/tv/internet

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