Summary: Samenvatting Fabienne Hoorcolleges Fear^j Anxiety And Related Disorders

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Read the summary and the most important questions on Samenvatting fabienne Hoorcolleges Fear^J Anxiety And Related Disorders

  • 1 Lecture 1 (Main lecture): From anxiety to anxiety disorder

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  • Can animals like dogs experience anticipation similar to humans?

    • Anticipation is not unique to humans.
    • Dogs also anticipate events like going to the vet.
  • Why might running or fighting not be helpful responses in today's world when feeling fear?

    • Running or fighting response may not be beneficial in modern society.
  • Which types of anxiety are categorized under somatic and mental underlying diseases?

    - "Yes" to somatic underlying disease leads to anxiety syndrome (somatic).
    - "Yes" to mental underlying disease leads to anxiety syndrome (mental).
  • What sociocultural factor may contribute to the difference in anxiety disorders between genders?

    - Societal roles influence how boys and girls confront fears
  • How might hormones affect the different reactions to stress between women and men?

    - Women may react with fear or depression; men with impulsivity and aggression
  • What are some anxiety disorders listed that correspond with the DSM-IV?

    - Panic disorder
    - Agoraphobia
    - Specific phobias
    - Separation anxiety disorder
    - Generalized anxiety disorder
    - Social phobia
    - Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
    - Obsessive-compulsive disorder
  • What are some normative fears during infancy and toddlerhood?

    - Separation
    - Shyness to strangers
    - Fear of loss
  • What are common fears during childhood according to the provided graph?

    - Dying or death of others
    - Thunder and lightning
    - Fire
    - Darkness
    - Nightmares
    - Animals
    - Imaginary creatures
  • Which type of fear phenomena is linked to school age according to the shown graph?

    - School anxiety
    - Performance anxiety
  • What are the fear-related issues adolescents face based on the diagram?

    - Fear of negative evaluation
    - Rejection from peers

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