Vulnerabilities, biological factors, learning theories

17 important questions on Vulnerabilities, biological factors, learning theories

What might increase the activation of a genetically inherited trait for anxiety?

- Extreme living conditions may activate inherited genetic traits.
- Epigenetics plays a significant role in this process.

Which gene is associated with anxiety and how does its allele variation affect individuals?

- The serotonin transporter gene is linked to anxiety.
- A short allele of this gene can result in more stress or, conversely, thriving given positive experiences.

What are the environmental factors that can contribute to anxiety?

- Prenatal stress, early-life stress, and stressful life events are environmental contributors to anxiety.
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What can resilience in the context of anxiety mean?

- Resilience refers to adaptive functioning in the face of anxiety or stress.

Can a single gene be definitively identified as the cause of anxiety disorders like OCD and panic disorder?

- No single gene has been pinpointed as the cause, though certain disorders have a clearer genetic basis.

What are some genetic factors mentioned that may relate to anxiety?

- Genetics include MAOA, COMT, 5-HT1A, NPSR1, and ADORA2A.

How do coping strategies factor into the discussion of anxiety and resilience?

- Coping includes functional strategies, emotion regulation, self-efficacy, and social support to combat anxiety.

What areas does epigenetics encompass according to the diagram?

- Epigenetics involves DNA methylation, histone modifications, and microRNA (miRNA).

What triggers the negative schema activation according to the diagram?

- Environmental triggers
- Enduring vulnerability (genetic & personality)

What characterizes negative schema activation?

- Associative processing biases
- Hyperreactivity of the amygdala, hippocampus
- Alteration of the ventromedial prefrontal cortex

What is the role of avoidance behavior in anxiety development according to operant learning?

- Avoiding a certain behavior can prevent negative outcomes.
- This contributes to the reinforcement of avoiding anxiety triggers.

What parenting styles can influence the acquisition of the cognitive schema related to anxiety?

- Parenting styles include overprotective, indulgent, or negligent approaches.
- Negligent parenting is considered the most detrimental for anxiety development.

How does the cognitive schema related to anxiety impact individuals experiencing anxiety?

- Individuals overestimate likelihood of harm and underestimate coping abilities.
- This cognitive distortion contributes to heightened anxiety levels.

What is the basis of anxiety according to the cognitive schema equation?

- In anxiety, perceived risk outweighs perceived resilience to handle it.

How can observational learning influence the development of fears in individuals?

- Individuals can learn fear responses by observing others' reactions.
- This learning process can impact the individual's fears and behaviors.

In Mineka et al.'s study, how did the baby apes react to snakes when exposed to different conditions?

- Baby apes showed fear towards snakes when they observed fear in others.
- Apes learned faster to fear snakes compared to non-threatening objects.

What conclusion can be drawn from observing apes' responses to fear-inducing stimuli in Mineka et al.'s study?

- Apes can learn fear reactions even without a biological predisposition.
- Observational learning significantly impacts fear acquisition in apes.

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