Behavior related to OCD

31 important questions on Behavior related to OCD

What is avoidance in the context of cognitive behavior therapy?

- a person avoids something to PREVENT getting distressed.

What are safety behaviors used for in cognitive behavior therapy?

- a person has behaviors to help control/COPE with a fear.

How does compulsion/ritualized behavior impact anxiety in the short-term and long-term?

- reduces anxiety/fear on the short-term, but will have more severe symptoms when one experiences what happens when one stops the ritualized behavior.
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What is the purpose of exposure in cognitive behavior therapy?


What should one do during exposure in cognitive behavior therapy?

- do what makes one anxious/distressed and should not avoid this.

What happens to anxiety/distress levels in the short-term during exposure?

- anxiety/distress levels go up but will reduce after a while.

What is emphasized to make the new path automatic in cognitive behavior therapy?

- the old path cannot be deleted, making it important to make the new path as automatic as possible.

How to perform exposure and response prevention for optimal inhibitory learning?

- Look for the mismatch (EXPECTANCY VIOLATION)
- Do super exposure (intensive exposure with different triggers, contexts, deepened extinction)
- Let things happen (occasional reinforced extinction)
- Remove safety behaviors and signals
- Embrace variability (random, not gradual)
- Engage in mental rehearsal
- Exposure in various contexts

What is one important step in performing exposure and response prevention?

- Remove safety behaviors and signals

Why is mental rehearsal important in exposure and response prevention?

- Helps reinforce what one has learned

What should one focus on during exposure and response prevention to enhance learning?

- Test out hypotheses, stay with emotions, throw out safety behaviors

Why is it important to expose oneself in a variety of contexts during inhibitory learning?

- Helps generalize the learning to different situations

What percentage of healthy individuals experience intrusive thoughts?

- 90 percent of healthy individuals experience intrusive thoughts.

What is not an explanation for obsessions according to the cognitive model?

- Having intrusions alone does not explain obsessions.

What must be interpreted for anxieties and attention to increase according to the cognitive model?

- Interpretation of intrusions as dangerous increases anxiety and attention.

What happens to the threshold for intrusions when they are interpreted as influential?

- The threshold for intrusions becomes lower.

According to the cognitive model, what effect does avoiding or suppressing intrusive thoughts have?

- Avoidance or suppression of intrusive thoughts actually increases them.

What are examples of negative intrusive thoughts as illustrated?

- "Germs are everywhere"
- "I have to be a responsible person"
- "It would be my fault if someone will get sick"
- "I have to be careful with food and not touch it"

What do dysfunctional beliefs relate to in the cognitive model of instrusion-obsessions?

- Dysfunctional beliefs relate to threat and personal responsibility.

What causes a negative appraisal leading to discomfort in the model?

- Overestimated responsibility and perceived threat lead to negative appraisal and discomfort.

What is the cycle that occurs after one tries to neutralize an intrusive thought?

- Attempts to neutralize intrusive thoughts lead to short-term discomfort reduction and then reinforcement.

What decreases meta-memory according to research?

- Checking frequently
- Distrusting one's memory
- Normal controls demonstrate the same phenomenon

How many belief domains are there according to the cognitive model?

- Six belief domains
- Inflated responsibility, overimportance of thoughts, overestimation of threat, controllability of thoughts, intolerance of uncertainty, perfectionism

What is the phenomenon called where a person believes a thought directly leads to an action?

- Thought-action fusion
- Different from magical thinking

What are the steps involved in cognitive therapy?

- Identify intrusions
- Identify irrational thoughts
- Question thoughts
- Make rational thoughts
- Use Socratic dialogs
- Use behavioral experiments

What are the guidelines for antidepressants in pharmacological therapy for OCD?

- SSRI's
- Atypical antipsychotic if needed
- Clomipramine (TCA) if necessary

According to the take-home message, what is the first-choice treatment for OCD?

- Well-conducted CBT

How effective is CBT compared to medication in the treatment of OCD?

- CBT is more effective than medication

What should one do when identifying irrational thoughts in cognitive therapy?

- Question these thoughts
- Make alternative rational thoughts

In pharmacological therapy for OCD, when should one consider adding clomipramine?

- When still not responding to SSRI's
- Has more side effects

How are new developments in the treatment of OCD achieved?

- Through neurmodulation
- Using transcranial magnetic stimulation or deep brain stimulation

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