(Main lecture): Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)

36 important questions on (Main lecture): Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)

What are Obsessions in OCD according to the DSM-5?

- Recurrent intrusive thoughts, impulses, or images causing anxiety.
- Not excessive worries about real-life issues, often unrealistic.

What are Compulsions in OCD as defined by the DSM-5?

- Behaviors or mental acts to reduce anxiety or distress.
- May not be directly related to the obsessional theme (e.g., counting).

What are the criteria for Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) according to the DSM-5?

- Obsessions and compulsions cause marked distress and are time-consuming.
- They significantly interfere with daily functioning and social activities.
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How does one often feel after engaging in compulsions in OCD?

- Feel relieved afterward.
- Compulsions serve to reduce anxiety or distress.

How are compulsions described in the DSM-5 criteria for OCD?

- Behaviors or mental acts done to alleviate distress.
- May not be directly related to obsessional themes.

What characterizes compulsions in Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)?

- Actions or mental acts aimed at reducing anxiety.
- These can be unrelated to the content of obsessions.

How much time, on average, does a person with OCD spend on obsessions and compulsions daily?

- Most individuals with OCD spend 3-8 hours on obsessions and compulsions.
- This significantly impacts their daily life.

Why are obsessions in OCD often referred to as intrusive in nature?

- They are recurring thoughts or impulses that cause marked anxiety.
- These thoughts are often unrealistic and distressing.

How do obsessions and compulsions affect the daily routine of individuals with OCD?

- They cause marked distress and consume a significant amount of time.
- These impact social activities and relationships.


- INTRUSIONS (involuntary, unwanted thoughts causing distress)
- INTERPRETATION OF INTRUSION (believing they are true and meaningful)
- OBSESSIONAL (feeling they are true)


- Involuntary, unwanted thoughts causing distress
- Examples: impulse to jump out of a window, urge to let a baby fall


- Interpreting as meaningful or true is the key problem in OCD
- Thinking "I must be a horrible person" in response to an intrusion


- When they become obsession, believed to be true and meaningful
- Even if not entirely convinced, still have a feeling they are true


- No, they are not abnormal, everyone experiences them occasionally
- Research shows common occurrence in college students without OCD

What are some areas where OCD can manifest?

- Contamination
- Violence
- Death
- Accidents
- Sexual
- Religion
- Organizing

What is an example of contamination fear in OCD?

- Obsession: germs are everywhere, hands feel dirty, will get sick
- Compulsion: washing hands, avoiding touching things

What is an example of sexual obsessions in OCD?

- Obsessions: genitalia images, sexual thoughts, child abuse thoughts
- Compulsions: mental shouting "stop," repeating mantras

What is a characteristic of Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD)?

- More persistent than some types of OCD
- Harder to treat, less effective medical treatment

What is a characteristic of Hoarding Disorder?

- Inability to discard items
- More common in the elderly

What is Trichotillomania characterized by?

- Compulsive hair pulling leading to baldness
- Treatment is possible but relapse is common

What type of obsessions can occur in OCD related to sexuality?

- Images of genitalia
- Sexual activities
- Thoughts of abusing children

How can Body Dysmorphic Disorder be different from other types of OCD for treatment?

- More resistant to treatment
- Less effective medical treatments

What can contribute to the commonality of Hoarding Disorder in the elderly population?

- Increased financial resources
- Ability to accumulate more possessions

What is a challenge for plastic surgeons when dealing with clients with Body Dysmorphic Disorder?

- Differentiating if clients truly need surgery or have BDD
- The desire for surgery based on appearance concerns

How can Trichotillomania manifest in extreme cases?

- Result in baldness due to excessive hair pulling
- Even pulling out hair of acquired wigs

What is a notable characteristic of ordering compulsions in OCD?

- Often driven by the feeling that something is not right
- Obsessive need for specific order

How can covert compulsions impact the treatment of OCD?

- It is essential to identify and address them
- Covert compulsions can be challenging to recognize

How to differentiate Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) from Illness Anxiety Disorder?

• Fear of HAVING A DISEASE (e.g., heart, cancer) in Illness Anxiety Disorder.

What distinguishes OCD from Generalized Anxiety Disorder?

• Intrusive thoughts regarding EVERYDAY CONCERNS in Generalized Anxiety Disorder.

What are some characteristics that help in distinguishing OCD from Depression?

• Day fluctuations, aggressive obsessions, and fluctuations in time in Depression.

How is Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder (OCP) different from OCD?

• OCP is ego-center, believing "I AM this person and I LIKE my behavior."

How are compulsions typically seen in Depression?

• Typically, no compulsions are seen in depression and are characterized by intrusions.

What can a stimulus or trigger cause in the cognitive behavioral model?

- A stimulus or trigger can cause an obsession.
- This can lead to distress or anxiety.

What behaviors are used to lower fear levels in response to distress/anxiety in the cognitive behavioral model?

- Compulsions are used to lower fear levels.
- Safety behaviors may be employed, such as eating crisps with a fork.

According to the cognitive behavioral model, what is a temporary relief from anxiety or distress?

- Engaging in compulsions or ritualized behavior.
- This provides temporary relief from anxiety or distress but reinforces the behavior.

What is an example of avoidance as a safety behavior in the cognitive behavioral model?

- Avoidance is exemplified by not eating with bare hands as a safety behavior.

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