(Main lecture): Transdiagnostics

52 important questions on (Main lecture): Transdiagnostics

What is the purpose of enhancement in the context of cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT)?

- To improve the effectiveness of CBT
- To help clients with partial or no response to CBT

Can the effectiveness of CBT be enhanced through combining treatments like SSRI and CBT?

- Combining treatments like SSRI and CBT does not double effectiveness
- Research seeks other ways to improve treatment, such as enhancers

What is the primary goal of using enhancers in cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT)?

- To enhance the efficacy of exposure
- To improve extinction learning processes
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How does D-cycloserine work as an enhancer in cognitive-behavioral therapy?

- Connects with the NMDA-receptor
- Enhances extinction learning during exposure sessions

What is the success rate of people responding positively to CBT treatment?

- Only 50 to 70 percent respond well or go into remission
- Room for improvement in effectiveness

How are enhancers used to improve the working mechanism of CBT?

- Enhancers are used to enhance the working mechanism of CBT
- They are not effective on their own

In what way does D-cycloserine contribute to improving CBT treatment?

- D-cycloserine enhances the efficacy of exposure in CBT
- It works on the NMDA-receptor important for learning processes

Why are enhancers such as D-cycloserine given before or after an exposure session in CBT?

- Given to enhance the effectiveness of exposure sessions
- Enhancers work on mechanisms like extinction learning during exposure

Why is D-cycloserine considered a promising enhancer in CBT?

- It has been extensively studied with over sixty research studies
- Works on key mechanisms like the NMDA-receptor important for learning processes

What role does D-cycloserine play in enhancing the treatment efficacy of exposure in CBT?

- D-cycloserine enhances extinction learning during exposure sessions
- Enhances the effectiveness of exposure, particularly in CBT treatment

How does enhancement differ from stand-alone treatments like medication or EMDR?

- Enhancement aims to improve the effectiveness of existing treatments like CBT
- Stand-alone treatments like medication or EMDR are effective on their own

What is the main action of MDMA in the treatment of PTSD?

- Enhancer of exposure therapy
- Works only in combination with exposure

What is massed extinction in relation to anxiety disorders?

- Completion of treatment in a short time
- Example: cognitive therapy for PTSD in 7 days
- Successful for a number of clients but not all may respond

Why is learning extinction in different contexts important?

- Extinction learning is more robust
- Learning in different contexts enhances effectiveness
- Variation in context is crucial

Why are enhancers like D-cycloserine and MDMA not yet used in clinical practice?

- Unclear effects for bad treatment sessions
- Interaction uncertainty with other drugs like SSRIs
- Recommendations not established due to lack of clarity

What is the outcome for some clients after massed extinction treatment?

- Two-thirds in panic disorder had stable good response
- One-third in panic disorder relapsed within three-six months
- One-third in OCD did not respond well to treatment

How do the responses to intensive exposure vary in panic disorder and OCD?

- Panic disorder: majority with stable good response, some relapsed
- OCD: some had partial response, some relapsed

What is the specific treatment approach of Psytrec for PTSD?

- Specific treatment in 8 days
- Combination of exposure, EMDR, and sports

How does therapist rotation benefit intensive exposure treatment?

- Enhances exposure treatment effectiveness
- Variation helps in robust learning

How does working with different therapists benefit intensive exposure treatment?

- Known as therapist rotation
- Employed in PDA, OCD, and PTSD treatments

What is a notable feature of cognitive therapy for PTSD?

- Completion in 7 days
- Fasters response than usual therapy

How does massed extinction treatment differ for panic disorder and OCD?

- Different response patterns in panic disorder and OCD
- Varying levels of relapse post-treatment

What is the notable characteristic of intensive exposure treatment for complex PTSD?

- Majority had a very good or partial response to the treatment within 7 days

What is Propranolol and when is it offered?

- Beta-blocker during retrieving traumatic memory
- Decreases physiological symptoms, increases emotional reaction

What happens in the reconsolidation phase with Propranolol?

- Memory becomes stable
- Decreased physiological & emotional reactions

What is the issue with disorder-specific treatment for comorbid anxiety disorders?

- Each disorder has specific criteria & treatments
- More focus pre-1986 on behavior regardless of fear source
- Challenges managing clients with multiple disorders

Why is managing clients with multiple comorbid anxiety disorders a challenge?

- Disorder-specific treatments for each anxiety disorder
- Difficulty in applying treatments to clients with more than one disorder

How does Post-Retrieval Extinction work with Propranolol during traumatic memory retrieval?

- Propranolol decreases physiological symptoms
- Emotional reaction increases when memory restabilizes

What are some challenges in the treatment of anxiety disorders?

- Addressing COMORBIDITY
- Increasing DISSEMINATION of treatments
- Diminishing DROPOUT RATES

What is the disadvantage of treating anxiety disorders at the same time with two treatment protocols?

- Long treatment duration and high dropout rates.

Why is dissemination of treatments difficult for anxiety disorders?

- Challenges in transferring treatments from lab to clinical practice.
- Many clients have multiple disorders, including depression.

What is a challenge related to the dropout rates in anxiety disorder treatment?

- Approximately 20-30% of clients drop out prematurely from treatment.

What is the main commonality in anxiety disorders, according to the transdiagnostic approach?

- Avoidance of behaviors, emotions, and cognitions.

How can the effectiveness of treatment for primary anxiety disorder be affected when treatments are combined?

- Combining treatments may lower the effects of one treatment.

What are symptoms caused by arousal, avoidance, and intrusions in anxiety disorders termed?

- Transdiagnostic symptoms.

What are some maintaining processes across anxiety disorders related to information processing?

- Attentional bias, expectancy bias, interpretation bias.

What does the transdiagnostic approach focus on instead of diagnostic features in anxiety disorders?

- Commonalities among disorders and treating their underlying factors.

In addressing comorbidity, what does treating one disorder effectively mean for other comorbid disorders?

- Treating one disorder treats all, with focus on the primary disorder.

How can dissemination of treatments for anxiety disorders be increased to ensure evidence-based treatments are applied effectively?

- Ensuring evidence-based treatments are applied in routine clinical settings.

What are the four main components of the unified treatment approach developed by Barlow et al. for anxiety disorders and comorbid disorders?

- Psychoeducation
- Cognitive reappraisal
- Preventing emotional avoidance
- Modifying of emotion-driven behaviors (EDB)

What is the alternative strategy of Barlow et al. for clients when they perceive negative affect as intolerable/unacceptable/fearful?

- Learn to see emotions as tolerable/acceptable
- Do not suppress emotions
- Results in natural recovery of mood/anxiety/depression

What are some advantages of the unified treatment approach by Barlow et al. for anxiety disorders and comorbid disorders?

- Easier dissemination
- Inclusive of clients with different diagnoses in one group
- Cost-effective

According to Borsboom, what kind of networks are present in psychopathology based on the network theories he developed?

- Causal networks
- Different causal paths for each individual

How do the network theories differ from the DSM-V in terms of symptom importance and interconnectedness?

- Certain symptoms are thought to be more important and connected
- Treatments may depend on individual's pathways, not just diagnosis

What is the aim of the transdiagnostic treatment approach developed by Barlow et al. for anxiety disorders?

- Change emotion processing and emotion regulation

What is used as a simple model in the treatment protocol developed by Barlow et al. for anxiety disorders and comorbid disorders?

- Series of steps for addressing negative affect and perceptions
- Learning to tolerate and accept emotions without suppression

What is one current limitation mentioned regarding the effectiveness of the unified treatment approach by Barlow et al. for anxiety disorders?

- Not known if the treatment works yet
- Initial results are disappointing

What is a potential setting where the unified treatment approach by Barlow et al. may be effective, despite initial disappointing results?

- Clinic setting offering mostly group treatment
- Specific settings where it can be effective

How are network theories used to personalize treatments according to the information provided?

- Making treatments more individualized based on causal paths
- Focusing on the most important symptoms, regardless of diagnosis

What is the main difference between the DSM-V and network theories in terms of symptom evaluation and treatment?

- Network theories prioritize certain symptoms and their connections over others
- DSM-V lists symptoms, while network theories consider importance and connections

According to network theories, what may treatment depend on for individuals with psychopathology?

- The individual's unique causal paths
- The most important symptoms for the individual

How do network theories suggest that treatments for psychopathology might be in the future?

- More personalized and individual-dependent
- Tailored to the individual's pathways, regardless of diagnosis

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