Reasons why exposure might fail

5 important questions on Reasons why exposure might fail

What might be indicators that a client does not trust the therapist, process, or themselves enough during therapy sessions?

- Applying a safety behavior
- COVERT behavior
- Lack of sufficient anxiety
- Displaying aggression
- Presence of undisclosed safety behaviors

What is the role of psychoeducation in psychotherapy?

- Explanation of what is going on
- Description of panic, its meaning, and a treatment-linked model
- Example with trigger, symptoms, and thoughts causing anxiety spiral
- Note on clients with panic disorder having good knowledge of physiological changes

How can a therapist approach therapy sessions effectively?

- Avoid directly stating intentions, opt for trying something out
- Gradually change client's fear-related beliefs
- Address and challenge client's doubts
- Note on importance of using exposure to help clients feel alternative explanations
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What can trigger anxiety in individuals with panic disorder?

- Heights triggering fear of going alone in a Ferris wheel
- Resulting in symptoms like increased heart rate, shaking, hyperventilating
- Accompanied by thoughts such as "Will I survive this" (catastrophic thinking)
- Leading to a spiral of anxiety due to a combination of symptoms and thoughts

Why is exposure therapy important in addressing fears during therapy sessions?

- Helps clients confront and experience their fears
- Allows clients to bridge the gap between knowing alternative explanations and feeling them
- Exposing clients to their fears enables them to overcome and manage their anxieties effectively
- Note on the necessity of experiencing fears to create lasting change

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