(Integrative lecture): From anxiety to anxiety disorder

15 important questions on (Integrative lecture): From anxiety to anxiety disorder

What is an important factor indicating vulnerability to developing an anxiety disorder again after treatment?

- Previous experience of an anxiety disorder
- Treatment involving extinction learning
- Increase in stress levels
- Re-emergence of old learning patterns

What distinguishes panic disorder from just having a panic attack?

- Out-of-the-blueness of panic attacks
- Attention drawn to bodily systems
- Triggering of attention in certain places
- Inability to make sense of the experience leading to self-observation
- Triangular framework of behavior, cognitions, and emotions

What are typical symptoms, cognitions, and behaviors associated with panic attacks?

- Symptoms: shaking, trembling, heart palpitations, sweating, lightheadedness, hyperventilation, tingling in hand
- Cognitions: seriousness, impending danger, fear of fainting or dying, losing control
- Behaviors: avoidance, safety behaviors like trying to escape or rest
- Long-term behaviors lead to safety and avoidance behaviors, including stopping certain activities like driving
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How might agoraphobia develop, and how does it impact an individual's life?

- Can develop from concerns about fainting or other issues
- Fear of falling in public due to medical concerns
- Life adjustment to avoid triggers (e.g., arranging appointments at home)
- Still possible to leave the house with company
- Fear-induced pattern of behavior, limiting everyday activities

What is a significant difference between individuals with panic disorder and those with generalized anxiety disorder (GAD)?

- Panic disorder: focus on sensations and bodily symptoms
- GAD: main struggles with cognitive processes like excessive worry
- Symptom differences: panic disorder - physical symptoms, GAD - emotional symptoms
- Cognitive differences: panic disorder - fear of imminent danger, GAD - excessive and persistent worry

What role does avoidance behavior play in the development and maintenance of panic disorder?

- Short-term avoidance behaviors helping in the moment
- Long-term avoidance behaviors reinforcing the disorder
- Can lead to safety behaviors and avoidance of triggers like driving
- Avoidance behaviors linked to reinforcement of fear and anxiety over time

How does the fear of falling in public relate to the development of agoraphobia?

- Fears triggered by concerns about fainting or other medical issues
- Can lead to worries about one's own body and health
- Continuous fears about falling in public can escalate to agoraphobia
- Fear-induced cycle of avoidance and restriction in personal activities

What is a common underlying factor for both anxiety and depression in individuals with generalized anxiety disorder (GAD)?

- Intolerance of uncertainty as a shared factor
- Meta-cognitions contributing to excessive worry
- Problems with cognitive processes like heightened vigilance for potential threats
- Presence of general symptoms like irritability, muscle tension, and sleep disturbances

What are some behaviors associated with Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD)?

- Ruminating
- Distraction
- Self-medication

How do individuals with GAD try to stop their worrying?

- Employ strategies more than a "normal" individual
- Recognize the need for these strategies to alleviate worries
- GAD is predominantly cognitive with minimal overt avoidance behavior or intense panic attacks

What distinguishes Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) symptoms and cognitions from Panic Disorder?

Symptoms and cognitions in GAD are much vaguer compared to Panic Disorder.

What kind of thoughts are common in individuals with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)?

- Thoughts that do not seem to fit oneself
- "What if...," "Would I really..." thoughts that are strange to the individual
- They know something is off

What behaviors can be seen in individuals with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)?

- Compulsions
- Reassurance behavior (e.g., showering for two hours, counting rituals)

When should one be cautious about potential schizophrenia in an individual with OCD?

- If the individual hears voices
- If the voices dictate harmful actions

What are some characteristics and experiences of Mary, a case of Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD)?

- Aged 42, divorced with two children, employed part-time, caretaker for mother with Alzheimer's
- Experienced moderate depression following divorce, declined antidepressants
- Feels stressed all the time, worries constantly about everything
- Feels tension in shoulders, stomach, and legs when worried
- Poor sleep due to worrying, feels tired and irritable, does not consume alcohol

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