Mike (Social anxiety disorder)

6 important questions on Mike (Social anxiety disorder)

What symptoms indicate that Mike is experiencing social anxiety disorder?

- Feels depressed and stressed about school performance
- Has hard time identifying enjoyable things in a day
- Avoids reaching out to professors
- Feels stressed when meeting new people
- Concentration difficulty during interactions
- Replays conversations focusing on perceived mistakes
- Avoids social interactions, isolates himself

What factors have contributed to Mike's social anxiety disorder according to the provided information?

- Has always been a shy person
- Had a small group of friends in school
- Stress increased upon starting college
- Struggles with meeting new people
- Feels uneasy around authority figures

How does Mike's fear of negative evaluation manifest in his behaviors?

- Avoids reaching out to professors to salvage grades
- Isolates himself from social interactions
- Turns down invitations to hang out
- Ignores phone calls
- Frequently skips class
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What feedback did the patient receive after assessment of his symptoms?

- Informed he has social anxiety disorder
- Told that fear of negative evaluation is primary treatment target
- Explained how thoughts and behaviors impact his feelings of hopelessness and isolation

How does the patient's social anxiety disorder impact his daily interactions?

- Struggles to concentrate during conversations
- Feels stressed about what others may think of him
- Becomes uneasy, stutters, and sweats during interactions
- Overanalyzes conversations
- Avoids social situations and isolates himself

What are the main concerns driving Mike to engage in avoidance behaviors?

- Fear of negative evaluation by others
- Perceived thoughts of being 'dumb,' 'boring,' or a 'loser'
- Preoccupation with others' opinions and judgments
- Need for acceptance and approval in social situations
- Desire to avoid feeling embarrassed or humiliated

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