
4 important questions on DSM-criteria

What are the characteristics of panic disorder?

- Unexpected/uncued attacks of intense anxiety (i.e., panic attack, anxiety attack)
- Key fear of immediate disaster (e.g., dying, going crazy, losing control, vomiting, fainting)
- Implications are worry (about a panic attack), change in lifestyle, avoidance
- Very frequent an additional anxiety disorder of agoraphobia (e.g., afraid to faint, so stopped driving)

What is the rate of spontaneous remission for panic disorder?

- Rate of spontaneous remission is below 10 percent

Why does panic disorder have massive health costs?

- Panic disorder has the highest treatment rate of all mental disorders
- Therefore, it has massive health costs
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What is a notable issue related to panic disorder?

- Panic disorder has a high rate of misdiagnoses and mistreatments

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