
4 important questions on Predispositions

What increased risk do offspring of individuals with panic disorder face compared to those of unaffected individuals?

- Offspring of parents with panic disorder have a greater risk for developing panic disorder.
- Exhibit the same interpretation bias for panic/agoraphobia after priming as their parents.
- Don't typically experience panic attacks.
- This interpretation bias does not extend to other types of phobias.

What observations have been made concerning the heart rate of panic patients?

- Panic patients' heart rate doesn't increase as much as they perceive during panic.
- They have a higher baseline heart rate, potentially due to anxiety proneness.
- Avoidance of sports may contribute to their unfamiliarity with high heart rates, amplifying the subjective intensity of the experience.

What are the criteria for diagnosing agoraphobia?

- Must have fear or anxiety about two or more specific situations, such as being alone outside the home or in public transportation.
- Concern that escape might be difficult or help unavailable if a panic attack occurs.
- Experiences high levels of fear and worry in the agoraphobic situations.
- Avoidance behaviors include needing a companion, intense worry if enduring the situation, or complete avoidance.
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What treatment options are effective for panic disorder and which has the highest effect size according to the provided data?

- Treatments include relaxation/breathing, exposure, cognitive therapy, EMDR, and combinations thereof.
- The combination of relaxation/breathing and exposure therapy (RB + Exposure) shows the highest effect size in the data provided.

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