Victor (PTSD)

5 important questions on Victor (PTSD)

What symptoms does Victor report experiencing since his second tour of duty in Iraq?

- Significant difficulty sleeping
- Nightmares
- Irritability
- Easily startled by noise and motion
- Excessive time searching for threats
- Intrusive memories on a daily basis

What duties did Victor perform during his military service?

- Victor was an infantryman with a local Marine reserve unit.
- He served two tours of duty in Iraq.
- He experienced several traumatic events during his second tour of duty.

How does Victor's difficulty performing his duties as a security guard affect him?

- He finds the job boring and it gives him too much time to think.
- He is easily startled by noise and motion, making it difficult to focus.
- He spends excessive time searching for threats that are never confirmed.
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Why does Victor avoid seeing friends from his Reserve unit?

- Seeing them reminds him of experiences he does not want to remember.
- He has intrusive memories about his traumatic experiences on a daily basis.
- He prefers spending time alone due to irritability and fear of snapping at people.

How does Victor feel about sharing the specific details of his traumatic experiences?

- He is unwilling to provide specific details.
- Victor has never spoken with anyone about the traumatic events.
- He is unsure if he will ever discuss the details with anyone.

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