Etiological factors

9 important questions on Etiological factors

What are the Trauma Exposure Risks outlined in the diagram?

- Low Socioeconomic Resources
- Unsafe Family or Community
- Externalizing Behavior

Identify the Causal Risk Factors related to stress and trauma.

- Severity of Exposure to Traumatic Stressors
- Preexisting Psychiatric Disorder
- Genetic/Early Life Brain/Body Alteration
- Altered Cognitive Processing

What factors are included under Vulnerability Factors in the diagram?

- Female Gender
- Ethnoracial Minority
- Younger Age (Child or Adult)
- Family Instability
- Adverse Childhood Events
- Prior Trauma Exposure
- Peritraumatic Parental Distress
- Peritraumatic Personal Distress
- Peritraumatic Dissociation
- Physical injury
- Direct (versus witnessed) trauma
- Reluctance/inability to disclose
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What Protective Factors are suggested to mitigate the impact of trauma?

- Education/Intelligence
- Coping Self-Efficacy
- Social Support
- Early Effective Intervention

What are the Adverse Outcomes listed in the event of trauma?

- Acute Stress Disorder
- Chronic PTSD
- Comorbid Disorders
- Increased vulnerability to future PTSD or disorders

List the Beneficial Outcomes achieved through managing trauma effectively.

- Manageable Stress Reactions
- Resumed Learning and Adaptive Functioning
- Reduced Vulnerability to future PTSD or disorders

What are the Posttrauma Risks highlighted in the diagram?

- Further/Worsened Traumatic Stressors
- Other Life Stressors
- Social Isolation
- Sense of Mental Defeat
- Negative Responses to Disclosure
- Delayed/No Treatment

What Posttrauma Protective Factors are suggested to support recovery?

- Support for Disclosure and Recovery
- Self-Efficacy
- Emotion Regulation

How does trauma experienced as a child affect individuals later in life?

- Increases likelihood of experiencing traumatic events again
- Reduces impulse control
- Makes it hard to identify safe individuals
- Good social support and early intervention are key protective factors
- Genetics role not well understood
- Biology influences reaction to trauma, especially in youth

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