The Second Millennium - The Middle Bronze Age (2000-1600)

8 important questions on The Second Millennium - The Middle Bronze Age (2000-1600)

How did the Middle Kingdom arise?

Shortly before 2000 BC, provincial governors in Thebes restored unity and Thebes became the new capital

Describe the policies of the kings

They led military campaigns, and ended succession problems by choosing sons as successors. The Middle kingdom was the golden age of Egyptian culture (esp. Literature)

How did the Second Intermediate Period begin

Around 1800 unity was lost again, Egypt was ruled by foreigners during this period (Hyksos) and they established their own dynasties
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When was the Second Intermediate Period


Name 2 characterisations about northern Mesopotamia

1. Assur was the most important city
2. After a recession around 1800, a new period of wealth followed.

When was the Assyrian Emipire


When was the Old Babylonian Empire


Name 4 characterisations of the Old Babylonian Empire

1. Babylon gained strong political power
2. Exerted influence on Mesopotamian culture. Conquerors respected Babylonian gods and its special status
3. Foundations of Babylonian culture laid by Amorite king Hammurabi: is known for his code of law written in cuneiform script
4. Empire crumbled under Hammurabi's successors and Babylon was taken by Mursilis a Hittite king, a new people from Iranian mountains (Kassites) took over the country

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