The First Millenium - The West Asian Empires (750 BC - 651 AD)

5 important questions on The First Millenium - The West Asian Empires (750 BC - 651 AD)

Why is the Neo-Babylonian Empire often referred to as the 'Chaldean empire'

Because the new dynasty was assumed to have been Chaldean in orgin

How was the Neo-Babylonian empire founded

By Nebuchadnezzar II (605-562), turned Babylon into the metropolis that made a profound impression on people all over the world

How did Darius I organised his empire

He created smaller satrapies, they payed fixed taxes and were checked by secret informers
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Name 4 characterisations of the Persian Empire

1. Continuation of former Mesopotamian empires (administrative organisation, art)
2. Also influences of civilizations of subject peoples
3. Rulers respected religious customs of subjected peoples
4. Persis remained the main centre of their authority, also worshipping own gods.

When did the Sasanid Empire last, and to what were they responsible for

AD 226-636, they caused the ultimate downfall of Babylonian civilization

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