The Hellenistic World (330-30)

5 important questions on The Hellenistic World (330-30)

When was the hellenistic world


When did Alexander sail to Asia Minor

After dealing with a revolt of Greek city states in 334

How did Alexander behave as a Persian King and what was the reaction

He used Persian court ceremonial & kept the administration system & adapted to local traditions. The Greeks and Macedonians found this unacceptable and brought him into conflict with his generals
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When and what was the Lamian War

323-322, Athens' uprising under the leadership of Demosthenes against Macedonia. The result was that the democracy was ended and became more oligarchic

Name 5 developments in Greek religion

1. More and more Greeks began to lose faith, the gods acquired a more universal character
2. Greeks started to identify their own gods with foreign gods and included new gods
3. Appearance of the ruler cult
4. Mystery cults became more widespread (people sought security)
5. Greeks and Romans copied Babylonians in naming planets after deities

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