The Archaic Period (750-500) - Political changes - Draco, Solon

4 important questions on The Archaic Period (750-500) - Political changes - Draco, Solon

Solon divided Athenian citizens into 4 property classes, which ones?

1. Wealthies nobles (: Pentakosiomedimnoi)
2. Nobles one level below + nouveaux riches (: Hippeis)
3. Common peasants (: Zeugitai)
4. Hired labours with no property (:Thētes)

How were Solon's solutions lacking?

Because there was no redistribution of land

What was the first blow to aristocrat's power in Athens?

Draco codified the prevailing customary law, so his code
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What were Solon's solutions?

1. Political power could be reached by wealth instead of birth
2. Cancellation of debts, no more debt bondage (Seisachtheia)
3. New lade code & establishment of the people's jury chosen by lot

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