Further expansion and new social tensions (264-133 bc) - A change in mentality - Literature and other forms of entertainment

4 important questions on Further expansion and new social tensions (264-133 bc) - A change in mentality - Literature and other forms of entertainment

When was the earliest epic and historical work orginated

In the heroic age of the Second Punic War, Roman poets celebrated the deeds of their people and historians absolved Rome from guilt in the war

How did some Roman authors criticised the change in mentality

They interpreted the increasing luxury and the Greek influence as signs of moral decay. The increasing individualist pursuit pf private interests as greed and evil abition

Who is a famous critique of this mentality

Cato (234-149)
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How is this change in mentality a threat to Rome in legal and foreign way

legal: Because their legal system depended on a homogeneous acceptance of unwritten laws
foreign: because of own-interests and glory was set before the well-being of the Roman state

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