The Century of the civil wars (133-30 bc) - The Gracchi

5 important questions on The Century of the civil wars (133-30 bc) - The Gracchi

What was Tiberus Gracchus' aim

To solve the shortage of recruits while improving the material position of the unpropertied citizens

What was Tiberus Gracchus' solution

He set up a bill reviving an old law that limited the amount of public land that any one individual could own or use, the public land that would become available would be split up among the landless

What was the aims of Gaius Gracchus (5)

1. Continue redistribution of public land
2. Solve the Italian problem
3. Improve existence of the proletariat
4. Settle landless citizens in a colony
5. Break the power of the nobiles
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How did Gaius Gracchus break the resistance of the nobiles

By securing the loyalty of different interests groups by granting them political favours

What for political distinctions arose within the Senate

populares: Senators who thought that reform was necessary wanted the popular assembly to pass proposals for reforms

optimates: wanted things to remain as they were

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