The Crisis of the Third Century AD and Late Antiquity

9 important questions on The Crisis of the Third Century AD and Late Antiquity

What was the threat to Rome (with troops)

Troops sometimes proclaimed their own general as emperor, especially once an emperor lost his aura of invincibility

How are emperors who ruled between 235-284

Known as soldiers emperors, because their power rested on their soldiers and were thus forced to meet all their demands

When did Diocletian rule

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How did Diocletian solve the succession problem

2 co-emperors (called Augustus) and 2 junior-emperors (called Caesar), so that the 4 armies could be lead by an emperor

When did Constantine rule

306-337, after having defeated his rival Maxentius at the Milvian Bridge in 312

When did persecution of christians stop

313 with the Edict of Milan, when Constantine converted

Why were the eastern and western halves different

1. East longer urbanised
2. East was influenced by Greek and Phoenician and Asian kingdoms
3. East richer
4. Cultural difference (language east: Greek, west: Latin)

What were the consequences that no emperors ruled over the entire empire

Armies of the two halves were more reluctant to help each other

What for disasters happened in 455

1. Aetius killed
2. Rome looted by Vandals

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