Epidermal keratinocytes in treatment

11 important questions on Epidermal keratinocytes in treatment

What is the only skin layer that generates proliferating cells?

Stratum basale

What are the main functions of stem cells in the skin?

  • Epidermal self-renewal & differentiation
  • barrier maintenance & repair
  • wound repair and hair regeneration

What are the two main stem cell niches in the skin?

  1. In the basal layer of the epidermis: interfollicular epidermal stem cells (unipotent)
  2. In the bulge area in hair follicles: bulge stem cells (multipotent)
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In which 2 ways can multipotent bulge stem cells be studied?

By the hair follicle cycle and by lineage tracing (pulse-chase method)

How does the hair follicle cycle work as a model to study stem cells in the skin?

  1. Anagen (active growth phase, 2-6 years): permanent hair removal can only occur during this active growth stage.
  2. Catagen (transition phase, 1-2 weeks): club hair transitions upwards toward skin pore and dermal papilla begins to separate from follicle
  3. Telogen (resting phase, 2-4 months): dermal papilla fully separates from follicle)
  4. Return to anagen: Dermal papilla moves upwards to meet hair follicle once again and hair matrix begins to form new hair.

In which ways can proliferating cells be labeled in the pulse-chase method?

  • Chemical labeling: Proliferating cells are marked by single injection of labeled nucleotides: tritiated (3H)-thymidine or Bromo-deoxy-uridine (BrdU).
  • Genetic labeling: fluorescently labeled cells via transgene expression

Explain the principle of cell tracing ('chase') in the pulse-chase method

After labeling (either chemically or genetically) the cell fate can be followed in a subsequent 'chase' period.
  • The label in the cells will be diluted by subsequent cell divisions
  • slow cycling cells (stem cells) will retain label after chase period (label-retaining cells), while fast cycling cells (not SCs) will lose the label.

How does stem cell tracing by genetic marking work?

GFP-expression controlled by doxycycline-responive element in basal (keratine 5+) keratinocytes.

No doxycyclin: all basal cells green --> GFP = on
Feed mice doxycycline in drinking water --> GFP = off

4-8 weeks chase with dox: dilution of GFP, label retaining cells (stem cells) are visible.

What are the three different clonal types of keratinocytes + explain them?

  • Paraclones: non-cycling differentiated cells
  • Monoclones: transit amplifying cells
  • holocones: slow-cycling stem cells

Which clonal type of keratinocytes should be used when studying stem cells and why?

Holoclones, since these are the 'real' skin stem cells.

What is the problem of using in vitro cell culture models?

There is still an 'end-point' of passaging the cells. The cells only proliferate for approximately 1-2 months (the holoclones diminish after a few cycles), while in vivo the skin stem cells replicate endlessly.

Therefore, in vitro studies of the skin stem cells can be quite problematic, as they do not represent the real-life situation.

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