
10 important questions on Reprogramming

What are advantages of human ESCs derived from in vitro fertilization?

They grow unlimitedly and differentiate to any lineage

What is promised to be able to study with human ESCs?

  • Study embryogenesis
  • Drug screening
  • Human diseases models
  • Personalized regenerative medicine

How are human SCNT-ESCs generated?

Taking the nucleus of a somatic cell and replacing the nucleus of an oocyte with this somatic nucleus. Cells of the ICM (of the blastocyst) will be taken out. They are called NT-ESCs.

This is technically challenging and requires oocytes.
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What are the 4 transcription factors needed for the generation of mouse iPSCs?

Oct3/4, Sox2, Klf4 and c-Myc --> Yamanaka factors (OKSM)

How were the 4 transcription factors needed for generation of iPSCs discovered?

By a reporter assay: often used for screening. Reporter assay can be used to test whether a DNA-sequence (e.g promoteR) or a TF can drive gene-expression

A promoter/enhancer upsteam of e.g GFP -->
If GFP stays off; gene is not active
If GFP is on; gene is active

Reporter assays are used for high-throughput screening

What are the sequential events of reprogramming:

  1. Initiation
  2. Maturation
  3. Stabilisation (iPSCs)

What are two ways to characterize human iPSCs?

  1. Cell morphology --> differentiation capacity in vivo
  2. expression of pluripotency genes

How can differentiation of Human iPSCs capacity be checked in vivo?

Human iPSCs are injected under the skin of nude mice and it is checked whether teratomas are developed. The tumor should have deratives of all three germ layers

How can differentiation of human iPSCs capacity be checked in vitro?

With the use of Embryoid bodies (EBs), which are three dimensional aggregates of iPSCs with cells of three germ layer lineages
- checking for pluripotency- & germ-layer-specific markers.

What are different models of generating iPSCs?

  • By introducing the four key transcription factors via:
    • Retroviral and lentiviral transduction (integration)
    • Sendai viral transduction (non-integration)
    • episomal transfection (plasmids)
    • Introduction of proteins
  • Low molecular weight molecules --> inducing endogenous key transcription factors

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