Embryonic stem cells

9 important questions on Embryonic stem cells

What are the applications of models for embryonic development?

  • Regenerative medicine (grown in large quantities + differentiate)
  • Generation of KO-mouse
  • Disease model (because differentiate into desired specialization)
  • cytotoxicity tests (especially during pregnancy, for foetus)

In which cases it might be useful to replace lost cells?

  • After a stroke --> loss of muscle cells
  • Duchenne muscular dystrophy --> muscle degeneration (eventual death)
  • parkinson's disease --> loss of dopamine-generating cells in the substantia nigra (region of the midbrain)
  • Alzheimer

What are the dangers of stem cell therapies?

  • Graft rejection (but not when it's from the patient itself)
  • Graft-versus-host
  • Teratocarcinoma
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What are the ways to inhibit differentiation in vitro?

- Feeders + serum
- Lif + serum
- 2i (+LIF)
- Impotant proteins /TFs to maintain ESC, are Oct4, Sox2, Nanog

How does the regulatory pluripotency network in ESCs work?

The pluripotency network acts to:
  • Self-induce its own expression and of other pluripotency genes, by binding in the promoter
  • Repress genes that induce differentiation

How can co-localisation of pluripotency network proteins visualized?

With ChIP-Seq --> ChIP-Seq allows visualization of protein localization on genome

What are the two main components of the epigenetic code?

  1. DNA-methylation
  2. Histone modification

What are the two different chromatin structures?

  1. Euchromatin (active/open): H3Kme3, H3K36me3, H3K79me3, H3K9/14Ac
  2. Heterochromatin (repressed/closed): H3K9me2, K3K9me3, H4K20me3, Methylation

What can be concluded from the fact that ESCs are richer in euchromatin?

That an open and unique chromatin conformation is associated with pluripotency

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