Technology - Embeddedness of technology - Chain of being: relevant factors for technological innovation

9 important questions on Technology - Embeddedness of technology - Chain of being: relevant factors for technological innovation

On which factors are technological innovations dependent?

  • Science and technology
  • Culture and structure of a company
  • Finances
  • Markets (standards + users)
  • Macro-economy
  • Politics
  • Culture, Ideologies, Religions,  Ethics

What causes conservatism regarding technology in innovation?

By the interdependency of technologies

What is a locked in situation regarding innovation?

Technology development is limited to a few paths because they have internal dependencies (safety, feasibility, responsibility)
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In which way serves sciences as a conservative power regarding innovation?

By the existence of certain scientific ideas, paradigms and traditions

In which way can companies be conservative regarding innovation?

There is a tendency for companies to stay on well-known paths and paradigms, leading to incremental innovations

What are the 3 foundations of conservatism?

  • Social (innovation may change strategy and relationships)
  • Organization of a company (departments disconnected)
  • Finances (money for innovation/R&D)?

What are the 2 factors of the market that influence innovation?

  • Existing standards (220V)
  • Users (don't like change)

How does the macro-economic factor influences innovation?

Sometimes, technological principles are already known, but economic routines or power relations slow down further development

How do politics influence innovation?

  • Politicians stimulate small-scale companies
  • Inhibit or modify new technologies (GMO)
  • Governmental rules

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