Economics and Science - Disciplines in economics and business administration

8 important questions on Economics and Science - Disciplines in economics and business administration

What do macroeconomics examine?

The economy at the national and international levels

Where in the innovation loop model are macroeconomic considerations important?

In the aspect of demand or external analysis

Where in the innovation loop model are microeconomic considerations important?

In the internal or resource analysis
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How can levels be horizontally integrated regarding meso-economics?

Addressing players at the same level (comparing firms or nations)

How can levels be vertically integrated regarding meso-economics?

By connecting players at different levels (macro and micro-economics)

In which phase of the innovation loop are meso-economic considerations important?

Phase of strategic choices

What is another way to categorize economic disciplines?

By distinguishing different aspects of sciences (subject, methods, discipline)

Describe the 'Structures in five' designed by Mintzberg

The 5 structures in a classical organisation structure
  1. Leaders of the organization
  2. Managers of lower level
  3. Operating workers
  4. Analysts
  5. Support staff

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