Recognizing opportunities - Industry analysis - Customers

9 important questions on Recognizing opportunities - Industry analysis - Customers

What kind of information is gathered to do market research?

  • Characteristics of the market
  • Potential of the market (calculation: max. level of sales a segment van absorb)
  • Market segment (group with similar wants and needs)
  • Market structure (B2C or B2B)

What is calculated in a sales forecast?

An estimation of the amount of sales to be achieved within a specified period of time

Why are B2B (business to business) more expensive than B2C products?

Functionality is most important in B2B instead of emotional aspects
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What in the function of decision-making units (DMU)?

They buy B2B products after evaluating the specifications

What kind of strategies do producers use in the problem definition phase of the innovation loop model?

  • Technology push (application of new technology is introduced into market without market research)
  • Market pull (consumers ask for a new product or solution which is identified by market research)

What issues are ignored during a technology push (perfection syndrome)?

  • Decision-making processes of consumers
  • Satisfaction levels concerning existing products

What is often the result of the market pull approach in the problem definition phase?

Results in imitation and incremental innovations

What describes the customer buying cycle (CBC), and what are the 4 stages?

The sales cycle which involves the first contact with the customer and contunuing until a sale transaction
  1. Awareness phase (customer realizes needs - company tries to reach costumer)
  2. Evaluation phase (customer selects companies for solution - company provides information for evaluation)
  3. Purchase phase (transaction takes place)
  4. After-sales phase (companies strive to create loyalty among customers)

Why is the customer buying cycle a cycle?

Companies want to retain its clients

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