Strategy - Strategic choices - Innovator or follower

4 important questions on Strategy - Strategic choices - Innovator or follower

What are the 2 types of timing to entrance the market?

  • First mover (innovator)
  • Follower

What are the advantages for a first mover?

  • Set the industry standard
  • Create barriers to entry
  • File patents
  • Obtain technological leadership
  • Exclusive right to shelf space
  • Benefit from experience and scale effects
  • Establish brand loyalty
  • Create buyer switching costs (windows naar apple is duur)

What are the disadvantages of a first mover?

  • Invest more
  • More risk: consumer doesn't know the product, market is not educated
  • Higher grades + faster learning
  • Never study anything twice
  • 100% sure, 100% understanding
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What are the advantages for followers?

  • Free-rider effect
  • Technological or market uncertainty has been resolved
  • Government intent to introduce regulations against unwanted monopolies
  • Acces to similar sources if not restricted

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