Strategy - Strategic analysis techniques - Planned and emergent strategy processes

7 important questions on Strategy - Strategic analysis techniques - Planned and emergent strategy processes

What is the difference between emergent and planned strategy?

The ability and willingness to respond directly to unforeseen opportunities and to allow flexibility when necessary

Why does a planned strategy fails in a dynamic environment?

The business is not able to understand the current situation and predict the future

Wherefore is the SWOT analysis?

To analyse the:
  • Strengths: resources, capabilities
  • Weaknesses: limitations of organization, lack of resources
  • Opportunities
  • Threats: events outside the organization's control in the competitive environment
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What may be the effects of a SWOT analysis?

  • Positioning a company so that its capabilities provide the best defence against competitive forces
  • Influencing the balance of forces through strategic moves
  • Exploit industry change

How does a planned strategy approach assists a firm?

  • Be conscious of trends
  • Prepare for changing future
  • A focus on the longer term
  • Ensure coherence in objectives and actions

What is a disadvantage of the planned approach?

Tunnel vision

For what reasons are the topmanagers unable to formulare the strategic starting points?

  • External environment is too complex and too rapidly changing to understand
  • It is impossible for top managers to know exactly what goes on inside their company

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