Taphonomy - Ceramics

13 important questions on Taphonomy - Ceramics

Why are ceramics studied by the means of taphonomy sensu lato?

To understand:
  • Cultural affinities, trade
  • Technological processes
  • Patterns of use and reuse  

What are the stages in the taphonomy of ceramics?

  • Fabrication
  • Use
  • Reuse
  • Discard
  • Burial
  • Excavation
  • Studied assemblage

What is primary refuse? (ceramics)

Something is abandoned, buried or forgotten
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What is secondary refuse? (ceramics)

  • All bits of pots are collected and are getting rid of elsewhere
  • An accumulation of shards at a site is cleaned out

What can decorations tell us? (ceramics)

  • Cultural affinity
  • Personal choice
  • Spread of ideas 

What physical processes take place after the burial of ceramics?

  • Re-digging
  • Reuse of sites
  • Movement of pottery
-> Redistribution or change of the assemblage of pottery

What are diagnostic pieces of ceramics?

  • Rims
  • Feet
  • Handles 

Why is focused on diagnostic ceramic pieces in the studied assemblage?

In order to identify the pottery -> conclusions about:
  • Overall form
  • Shape
  • Use  

Ceramics research: fabrication

  • Choice of raw material
  • Temper
  • Decoration

Ceramics research: reuse

  • Broken pieces used as temper
  • Shards used as scrapers/shapers in manufacture of new pots

Ceramics research: discard

  • Primary refuse
  • Secondary refuse

Ceramics research: excavation

  • Damage
  • Recovery techniques

Ceramics research: studied assemblage

  • Diagnostic pieces

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