Evolution - History of Evolutionary Thought

11 important questions on Evolution - History of Evolutionary Thought

What are the contributions of Lamarck?

  • Theory of inheritance of acquired trades
  • Lamarck's theory of Evolution
    • The first theory that was formed about how evolution worked

What are the contributions of Malthus?

  • There is a constant struggle for survival and only the fittest are going to survive
    • Human reproduction is going to occur exponentially, but food supply increases arithmetically -> point of crisis at a certain point

Great chain of being vs Linnean Nested hierarchy

  • Verically vs horizontally oriented
    • So Linnaeus does not rank species, but only documents their variation while looking at larger relationships
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What was Buffon's Histoire Naturelle about and not about?

  • Compendium on almost every natural history subject
  • Documented animal diversity
  • Focuses on each individual species
  • Acknowledges adaption within species
  • Does not discuss the relation between species   

What is the theory of Uniformitarianism?

The theory that the natural processes that operate the universe now are the same as in the distant past -> emergence of great time depth

What problems did the ideas of the Age of Exploration pose for the Christian West philosophy?

  • Earth is no longer the centre of the universe
  • Telescope is invented to find new worlds
    • Problematic; the linear organisation of things does not flow anymore, because new world are discovered

What questions arose because of the discoveries that were made in the Age of Exploration?

  • Invention of the microscope
    • Small creatures are seen; why would God create these less than perfect things?
  • Diversity of people, plants and animals
    • How do we categorize these species?
  • Discovery of the great apes
    • Why would God create animals that were/looked so close to humans?

Why is it important for Darwin that Lyell stated that the earth is very old?

Important for Darwin, because you need a lot of time for evolution to happen

What questions arose when Cuvier found fossil bones?

  • Why would God create triceratops that lived at some point but is not longer living?
  • Why is it buried in the ground for us to find?

Why was the fixed date of the creation of the earth (determined by the Christian West Philosophy) problematic for the theory of evolution?

Nothing could be older than this date -> difficult to fit the idea for evolution and species change in this short time period

What does the Theory of inheritance of acquired trades do?

Bridges the gap between understanding how adaption happens in an environment and how evolution worked

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