Dating - Dating methods chart - What kind of material is measured?

8 important questions on Dating - Dating methods chart - What kind of material is measured?

Dendrochronology (what kind of material is measured?)

  • Wood
  • 100 rings necessary

Varve chronology (what kind of material is measured?)

Soil profiles

Milankovitch cycles (what kind of material is measured?)

  • Marine carbonate
  • Continental carbonate
  • Pollen
  • Ice cores  
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Cosmogenic nuclides (what kind of material is measured?)

Minerals holding the parent isotope and that trap the daughter isotope

Radiocarbon (what kind of material is measured?)

Carbon containing materials: all that was once alive

U-Th / U-series (what kind of material is measures?)

  • Carbonates
    • Particularly precipitated calcium carbonates found in cave stones (stalactites, stalagmites, etc.)
    • Coral deposits
    • Bone and shell
      • Are less reliable 

K-Ar and Argon-Argon (what kind of material is measured?)

Minerals holding the parent isotope, trapping the daughter isotope

Thermoluminescence (what kind of material is measured?)

  • Minerals such as quartz and feldspars
    • Present in materials such as soil, ceramics or heated stone

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