Dating - Dating methods chart - Mix and max age

7 important questions on Dating - Dating methods chart - Mix and max age

Varve chronology (max and min age)

Master curve dependent - serveral ka

Ice layer counting (max and min age)

Master curve dependant - several ka

Cosmogenic nuclides (max and min age)

From a few years to a few thousand years - system dependant
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Radiocarbon (max and min age)

A few dozen years (1 dozen = 12 years) - 80 ka

U-Th / U-series (max and min age)

  • 1 ka - 350 tot 500 ka
    • Max dependant on the half-life of thorium

K-Ar and Argon-Argon (max and min age)

10 ka - > ma

Optically Stimulated Luminescence (max and min age)

10 ka - 400 ka

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