Materials - Imaging techniques

6 important questions on Materials - Imaging techniques

What can you do/get information about with optical microscopy?

  • Crystallographic knowledge
  • Phase identification
  • Grain size
  • Shape and distribution
  • Presence of defects   
  • Mechanical deformations
  • Amorphous components 

How does a polarizing microscope work?

  • Minerals reorient the planes in which light is vibrating -> some light passes through the polarizer
  • Only the light scattered by defects and boundaries is observed above the dark background = colors visible
    • The colors are different for each mineral

What can Metallographic analysis inform us about?

  • Raw materials
  • Production techniques and conditions
  • Manufacturing methods
  • Post-depositional corrosion   
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About what can you gain information by the means of a polarizing microscope?

Determine what element is present in the object

What are possible outputs of SEM?

  • Backscattered electrons
  • Secondary electrons (emitted by atoms after inonization process)
    • Ionization = deeltjes een elektrische lading aanbrengen)
  • Characteristic X-rays
  • Light (cathodoluminescence)  

X-ray CT scanner characteristics

  • Used for imaging - more 3D view
  • Does not measure composition
  • Used on corroded/altered metals 

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