Taphonomy - Plants

5 important questions on Taphonomy - Plants

What are the steps in research of starch grains?

1. Starch production
2. First human interaction with the plant
3. Discard and burial
4. Excavation and labaratory processing

Starch grains research: strarch production

  • Produce micro remains in different quantities and in different forms
  • Can vary between plants of the same species
  • Variation is not necessarily due to human behavior

Starch grains research: first human interaction with the plant

Starch can be grind, cooked or eaten -> chemical and physical processes that can change the appearance and survivability of a starch
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Starch grains research: discard and burial

  • Discard can move around the starch assemblage
  • Burial and the post burial processes can change the appearance of the starch or completely or remove it from the assemblage

Starch grains research: excavation and labaratory processing

  • Depends on the excavation techniques, curation methods and lab techniques.
    • You can remove starches from the assemblage if you don't collect them carefully enough
    • The place of storage and the laboratory can introduce conteminous starches to the collection

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