
16 important questions on Stratigraphy

Who is one of the founders of modern stratigraphy?

Nicholas Steno

What did Nicholas Steno do?

Wrote a book that outlines 4 major laws
  • Still applicable in archaeology today

What are the 4 major laws called that were invented by Steno?

  • Law of superposition
  • Principle of Original Horizontality
  • Principle of Lateral Continuity
  • Principle of Cross-cutting relationships  
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What is the Law of Superposition?

  • Strata are deposited on top of each other
    • Lower strata are thus older
    • Higher strata are thus newer 
  • Form of relative dating in archaeology
    • Artifact at a lower level is older than an artifact in a higher level

What is the Principle of Orginal Horizontality?

Each layer of sediment is deposited in a horizontal fashion as a result of gravity

What is the Principle of Continuity?

  • Sediment is deposited laterally in all directions
  • It goes to either edge unless prevented from doing so
  • If seemingly similar strata are separated by geological features, they can be assumed to be originally continuous

What is the Principle of Cross-Cutting Relationships?

  • Built from the Law of Superposition (so younger deposits on top, older deposits on the bottom)
  • If there are cuts between those layers it (the cut) is automatically the youngest 

What did Cuvier belief in?

Proponent of Catastophism: the idea that earths geological formations and lifeforms can be explained by monumental en sudden events

What did Lyell belief in?

  • Uniformitarianism: the earth was shaped through the same natural processes that operate today with similar intensities
    • Implies more gradual processes like erosion
      • I.e. Very slow with time things start to change and take shape

How is stratigraphy used in archaeology?

  • Law of Superposition
  • Metrical stratification
  • Natural stratification
  • Cultural stratification  

Law of Superposition in Archaeology

  • Top layers: new/recent artifacts
  • Bottom layers: old artifacts
  • Artifacts in the same layer: concurrent (gelijktijdig) 

What is metrical stratification?

  • Artificial method
    • You arbitrarily measure a certain amount down

What is natural stratification?

  • Look at natural deposits
    • Again with the Law of superposition

What is cultural stratification?

Marks of cultural activity

What is an example of metrical stratification?

  • You dug a trench. Then you measure for example 5 cm down and you draw a line. That goes on till the bottom of the trench
  • It is artificial because the stratum will not necessarily change every 5 cm

What an example of natural stratification?

You dug a trench. Then you look at the cross-section and you see how the soil naturally changes

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