Scrum guide
27 important questions on Scrum guide
What are the three artifacts?
- Product backlog (PBL)
- Sprint backlog (SPL)
- Increment
What are the five events?
- Sprint (containing event)
- Sprint planning
- Daily scrum
- Sprint review
- Sprint retrospective
What is the commitment for each artifact?
- Product backlog: product goal
- Sprint backlog: sprint goal
- Increment: Definition of Done (DoD)
- Higher grades + faster learning
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Name five important aspects about the PBL.
- Ordened list of everything known needed in the product.
- Only source of requirements for each change on the product.
- Consists of both functionalities and non-functionalities (characteristics)
- Product owner is responsible
- Living artifact which is never finished
Name three important aspects about the SPL.
- Consists of the selected items from the PBL for the sprint.
- It's the plan for the delivery of the increment and realisation of sprint goal.
- Makes the work for the sprint transparent.
Why is empiricism important for scrum?
Why is lean important for scrum?
- reduces waste
- focusses on the essentials
How does scrum tries to optimize predictability and to control risk?
What is the relationship between the three pillars of scrum?
Inspection enables adaptation -> adaptation without inspection is pointless. Scrum events are designed to provoke change.
Why is transparancy important for scrum?
Why is inspection important for scrum?
Why is adaptation important for scrum?
What are the five scrum values?
- Focus
- Respect
- Openness
- Commitment
- Courage
Sprint planning: how is decided what can be done during the sprint?
Sprint planning: how is decided how the chosen work will get done?
When do the product owner or scrum master participate as developers during the daily scrum?
What are the benefits of the daily scrum?
- Improved communications
- Obstacles will be identified
- Quick decision-making is promoted
- Need for other meetings is eleminated
Is the daily scrum the only moment in which developers are allowed to adjust their plans?
What is reviewed during the sprint review?
- Accomplishments during the sprint
- Changes in the enviroment during the sprint
When is a PBL item ready for a sprint planning?
What is PBL refinement?
Who is responsible for PBL refinement?
The product owner helps them to understand the PBL items and informs them about the trade offs.
What is the SBL composed of?
- Sprint goal (Why)
- Selected PBL items for the sprint (What)
- Plan for delivering the increment (How)
What happens when the developers work turn out different than expected?
When is an increment born?
How does the DoD create transparancy?
What happens when a PBL items doesn't meet the DoD?
The question on the page originate from the summary of the following study material:
- A unique study and practice tool
- Never study anything twice again
- Get the grades you hope for
- 100% sure, 100% understanding
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